
Security Features Guide - Project Bolt Platform

Comprehensive guide to implementing security features in Project Bolt. Learn authentication, encryption, compliance, and security best practices.

Project Bolt Team

Security Features

Learn how to implement and manage security features in Project Bolt to protect your applications and data.


Security in Project Bolt encompasses:

  • Authentication and authorization
  • Data encryption
  • Secure communication
  • Compliance management
  • Security monitoring and alerts


Multi-Factor Authentication

import { SecurityManager } from '@project-bolt/security';

class MFAManager {
  async setupMFA(
    user: User,
    options: MFAOptions
  ) {
    const security = new SecurityManager();
    // Configure MFA
    const mfaConfig = await security.configureMFA({
      methods: ['totp', 'sms', 'biometric'],
      backupCodes: true,
      recoveryEmail: user.email
    return mfaConfig;
  async verifyMFA(
    user: User,
    token: string
  ) {
    const security = new SecurityManager();
    return await security.verifyToken(user, token);

OAuth Integration

class OAuthProvider {
  async configureOAuth(
    providers: OAuthConfig[]
  ) {
    const oauth = new OAuthManager();
    return await oauth.configure(providers.map(provider => ({
      name: provider.name,
      clientId: provider.clientId,
      clientSecret: provider.clientSecret,
      scopes: provider.scopes,
      callbackUrl: provider.callbackUrl


Role-Based Access Control

class RBACManager {
  async configureRBAC(
    roles: Role[]
  ) {
    const rbac = new AccessControl();
    // Define roles and permissions
    roles.forEach(role => {
      rbac.defineRole(role.name, {
        permissions: role.permissions,
        inheritance: role.inherits
    return rbac;
  async checkPermission(
    user: User,
    resource: Resource,
    action: Action
  ) {
    const rbac = new AccessControl();
    return await rbac.can(user.role, resource, action);

Policy Management

class PolicyManager {
  async createPolicy(
    policy: SecurityPolicy
  ) {
    const manager = new PolicyEngine();
    return await manager.create({
      name: policy.name,
      rules: policy.rules,
      enforcement: policy.enforcement,
      audit: {
        enabled: true,
        retention: '90d'


Data Encryption

class DataEncryption {
  async encryptData(
    data: Buffer,
    options: EncryptionOptions
  ) {
    const encryption = new EncryptionManager();
    return await encryption.encrypt(data, {
      algorithm: options.algorithm || 'aes-256-gcm',
      keyManagement: {
        rotation: '30d',
        backup: true
      metadata: {
        classification: options.classification,
        purpose: options.purpose
  async decryptData(
    encryptedData: Buffer,
    key: CryptoKey
  ) {
    const encryption = new EncryptionManager();
    return await encryption.decrypt(encryptedData, key);

Key Management

class KeyManager {
  async manageKeys(
    keyConfig: KeyConfig
  ) {
    const manager = new KeyManagement();
    return await manager.configure({
      rotation: {
        enabled: true,
        interval: '90d',
        automatic: true
      storage: {
        type: 'hardware-security-module',
        backup: true
      access: {
        roles: ['security-admin', 'key-operator'],
        audit: true

Secure Communication

TLS Configuration

class TLSManager {
  async configureTLS(
    config: TLSConfig
  ) {
    const tls = new TLSConfigurator();
    return await tls.configure({
      certificates: {
        provider: 'lets-encrypt',
        autoRenew: true
      protocols: ['TLSv1.3'],
      cipherSuites: [
      options: {
        hsts: true,
        ocspStapling: true

API Security

class APISecurityManager {
  async secureAPI(
    api: APIConfig
  ) {
    const security = new APISecurityConfigurator();
    return await security.configure({
      authentication: {
        type: 'jwt',
        expiration: '1h',
        refresh: true
      rateLimit: {
        enabled: true,
        requestsPerMinute: 100
      cors: {
        origins: api.allowedOrigins,
        methods: ['GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE']

Compliance Management

Compliance Monitoring

class ComplianceManager {
  async monitorCompliance(
    requirements: ComplianceRequirement[]
  ) {
    const monitor = new ComplianceMonitor();
    return await monitor.configure({
      standards: requirements.map(r => r.standard),
      checks: {
        frequency: 'daily',
        automated: true
      reporting: {
        format: 'detailed',
        distribution: ['email', 'dashboard']
      alerts: {
        enabled: true,
        threshold: 'any-violation'

Audit Logging

class AuditLogger {
  async configureAudit(
    config: AuditConfig
  ) {
    const audit = new AuditManager();
    return await audit.configure({
      events: {
        security: true,
        system: true,
        data: true
      storage: {
        type: 'immutable',
        retention: '7y'
      analysis: {
        realtime: true,
        ai: true

Security Monitoring

Threat Detection

class ThreatDetector {
  async monitorThreats(
    config: SecurityConfig
  ) {
    const monitor = new SecurityMonitor();
    return await monitor.configure({
      detection: {
        ai: true,
        signatures: true,
        behavioral: true
      response: {
        automatic: true,
        escalation: {
          levels: ['low', 'medium', 'high', 'critical'],
          contacts: config.securityTeam
      learning: {
        enabled: true,
        feedback: true

Security Analytics

class SecurityAnalytics {
  async analyzeSecurityData(
    data: SecurityData
  ) {
    const analyzer = new SecurityAnalyzer();
    return await analyzer.analyze({
      metrics: [
      visualization: true,
      reporting: {
        frequency: 'weekly',
        format: 'executive'

Best Practices

  1. Password Policy

    class PasswordPolicy {
      async configurePolicy() {
        const policy = new PasswordManager();
        return await policy.configure({
          minLength: 12,
          complexity: true,
          history: 24,
          expiration: '90d'
  2. Security Headers

    class SecurityHeaders {
      async configureHeaders() {
        const headers = new HeaderManager();
        return await headers.configure({
          csp: true,
          hsts: true,
          frameOptions: 'deny',
          xssProtection: true
  3. Vulnerability Scanning

    class VulnerabilityScanner {
      async scan(
        target: ScanTarget
      ) {
        const scanner = new SecurityScanner();
        return await scanner.scan({
          scope: target,
          depth: 'deep',
          frequency: 'daily'

Next Steps

  1. Explore Neural DevOps
  2. Learn about Cloud Integration
  3. Practice in our Security Lab

Remember: Security is an ongoing process. Regularly review and update your security configurations to maintain the highest level of protection.