King of Performance: The Fastest Programming Language

King of Performance: The Fastest Programming Language

A comprehensive comparison of programming language performance through billion-level loop iterations, featuring C, Rust, Zig, and Go.

Zen Huifer
November 24, 2024
10 min read

King of Performance: The Fastest Programming Language

Ha, once there is such a comparison, it will be hyped up. See you in the comment section.

Ben Dicken (@BenjDicken) conducted a test to execute a double loop, 10000 * 100000=1 billion loops, to see which programming language is faster.

The code implementations for various languages can be found in the project code repository: 1 Billion nested loop iterations.

C Code

#include "stdio.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "stdint.h"

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    int u = atoi(argv[1]);               // Get an input number from the command line
    int r = rand() % 10000;              // Get a random integer 0 <= r < 10k
    int32_t a[10000] = {0};              // Array of 10k elements initialized to 0
    for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {    // 10k outer loop iterations
        for (int j = 0; j < 100000; j++) { // 100k inner loop iterations, per outer loop iteration
            a[i] = a[i] + j%u;           // Simple sum
        a[i] += r;                       // Add a random value to each element in array
    printf("%d\n", a[r]);                // Print out a single element from the array

Rust Code

use rand::Rng;

fn main() {
    let n: usize = std::env::args()             // Get an input number from the command line
    let r: usize = rand::thread_rng()           // Get a random number 0 <= r < 10k
    let mut a = [0; 10000];                     // Array of 10k elements initialized to 0
    for i in 0..10000 {                         // 10k outer loop iterations
        for j in 0..100000 {                    // 100k inner loop iterations
            a[i] = a[i] + j % n;                // Simple sum
        a[i] += r;                              // Add a random value to each element in array
    println!("{}", a[r]);                       // Print out a single element from the array

Zig Code

const std = @import("std");
const rand = std.crypto.random;
const stdout =;

pub fn main() !void {
    // Get an input number from the command line
    var args = std.process.args();
    _ = orelse unreachable; // skip first, which is program name
    const arg = orelse unreachable;
    const u = try std.fmt.parseInt(usize, arg, 10);
    // Get a random number 0 <= r < 10k
    const r = rand.intRangeAtMost(usize, 0, 10000);
    // Array of 10k elements initialized to 0
    var a: [10000]usize = undefined;
    @memset(&a, 0);
    // 10k outer loop iterations
    for (0..10000) |i| {
        // 100k inner loop iterations, per outer loop iteration
        for (0..100000) |j| {
            a[i] += j % u; // Simple sum
        a[i] += r; // Add a random value to each element in array
    try stdout.print("{d}\n", .{a[r]}); // Print out a single element from the array

Go Code

package main

import (

func main() {
    input, e := strconv.Atoi(os.Args[1]) // Get an input number from the command line
    if e != nil { panic(e) }
    u := int(input)
    r := int(rand.Intn(10000))           // Get a random number 0 <= r < 10k
    var a[10000]int                      // Array of 10k elements initialized to 0
    for i := 0; i < 10000; i++ {         // 10k outer loop iterations
        for j := 0; j < 100000; j++ {    // 100k inner loop iterations, per outer loop iteration
            a[i] = a[i] + j%u            // Simple sum
        a[i] += r                        // Add a random value to each element in array
    fmt.Println(a[r])                    // Print out a single element from the array

The test results are as follows (the author tested each language several times and selected the fastest one for each language). The author also used animation to demonstrate the speed of each language very well. The faster the execution, the shorter the execution time, and the faster the ball moves:

Performance comparison animation

My own testing also includes C, Zip, and Rust, which belong to the first tier.

The author also provided testing of the Fibonacci function, so overall, these two scenarios were mainly tested.

Which programming language do you support, or are you staying out of the matter?
